Contemplating the Mysteries of Community

Today I was contemplating the mystery of community…Without question I would lay down my life a thousand times for the community to endure, and the only way it will endure is through living people who have become the essence of the master.    – Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Welcome Friends on the Spiritual Path

On this Spiritual Community website we are creating a meeting place for people all over the world to find resources at their fingertips and share how the teachings are transforming their personal lives. It is also a place to network with friends, meet new people, and share topics and projects they are passionate about – whether it be posting on social media, giving lectures, translating the Teachings, or talking about a cool new book they found.

Dancing at the Summit Lighthouse 50th Anniversary Party

The Summit Lighthouse is the home of light for the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. The Summit Lighthouse spiritual communities are found all around the world pursuing many activities from group dinners to educational seminars — or just having lots of fun!

Our members hold book study groups and events online and in person. They conduct devotional services that invoke light and address personal and planetary challenges across the globe. Our member publishers translate and publish Summit University Press books and distribute these to local groups, and independent bookstores around the world.


Many of our Spiritual Communities are engaged in lots of activities including outreach through social media, a variety of online and in-person events. Saint Germain and the violet flame are two of the most popular topics that lead people to our community. People find us through website articles, books, YouTube videos, and conversations with friends.

Join A Community Event - In Person & Online

Saints of the West and Sages of the East Gather

The great spiritual teachers of the past established communities for those who wished to practice their teachings. Jesus called together the circle of apostles and the holy women. Gautama Buddha established his sangha of disciples. Pythagoras created his community at Crotona. St. Francis gathered his band of brothers and St. Clare sisters. The tradition of mystery schools continues.

Today, our community is held in the hearts of spiritual people in every country, as well as at the Royal Teton Ranch in Montana. We have study groups, teaching centers and virtual groups. 

Spiritual Communities Around the World

These Summit Lighthouse communities are havens of light in the cities around the world and at the Inner Retreat in Montana. Find a location 1. Click on a Star or type a location in the [Search for] box – OR2. Zoom in (double-click) and move screen. Click on the Title for more details.

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Explore Our Community

Member Stories

Experience the fun, faith and love in these personal stories of how chelas found the Teachings

We love to share news about your events, your projects and your victories!

Go to Our Experiences

For Families

The Summit Lighthouse offers many resources for families on our Pathways for Families website, including parenting and relationship tips and articles, spiritual lessons for children, activities for children, and links to the extended community of websites or children, teens and young adults.

Young Adults

Knights and Ladies of the Flame®

Knights and Ladies of the Flame (KLF) is an international community of young adults, ages 18-36, associated with the Summit Lighthouse®.

We are committed to providing a community that helps young people realize and fulfill their potential to expand the Light of God within them. 

Together we study the teachings of the Ascended Masters as delivered by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet and explore ways to apply them practically in our daily lives. We meet virtually throughout the year to pursue specific goals, conduct prayer vigils and prepare for our bi-annual retreats. We currently support members in over fifteen countries worldwide, with established groups in the USA, Africa, Russia, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico and Australia.

We welcome all seekers to join us and share their passion for a spiritual life. To learn more including how to get involved, visit the website:

Keepers of the Flame Fraternity

 is a worthy body of men and women dedicated to self-improvement and the upliftment of humanity. Spiritual seekers who desire to keep the flame of life on behalf of mankind can join this nondenominational fraternity and receive thirty-three monthly lessons that provide graded instruction in cosmic law. When you join this fraternity, Saint Germain sponsors your path of spiritual initiation and promises to assist you heart to heart in your homeward journey.

Also, check out the popular:

Keepers of the Flame Lessons


Center in Your Heart and Connect with the Flame from Shambala
And Learn The Ancient Story of Sanat Kumara



Powerful Insights and Tools for Wholeness Based on
The Science of the Body’s Subtle Energy System



Transcend Your Past and Transform Your Future
Nine lessons to help you overcome the challenges of your karma



Learn How to Improve Your Life and Make the World
a Better Place with the Help of the Seven Archangels



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    • Maestros Ascendidos – Tu enlace en español a las enseñanzas de los Maestros Ascendidos y a todos los eventos, talleres, y los productos nuevos y más.

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    • Le Phare du Sommet –  Informations sur le Phare du Sommet, les Perles de Sagesse et des publications audio et livres

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