Finding the Teachings – the Chart

By Jennifer Stillings

Growing up Catholic in Maracaibo, Venezuela, a city near where the Mother’s parents met, my mother would take us to Hatha Yoga at a local Ashram. Later she took us to a Rosicrucian school in our teen years. My mother was also into Astrology and would teach us about it.

In my twenties, I went to the United States and became disillusioned with religion. When I was about to finish nursing school, after taken a class in philosophy, I felt empty – wanting back the fervor and devotion I felt in my chest for God as a child. I said a silent prayer asking God to help me find him.

I took the summer off in 1992 and made a trip to the country where I grew up and there, above the bed where I would sleep, was a chart of the Presence that someone had hand-painted and given to my aunt. My aunt did not know anything about it, but I would see it every morning and night.

I-Am-Presence Chart



I went to a local metaphysical store and asked an old friend what books I should read on my quest to find God. He recommended: Many Lives, Many Masters. I knew about reincarnation but, after reading this book, I no longer had any doubts.

Finally, when I returned to the United States, a Spanish-speaking friend invited me to a presentation on Marian Apparitions at the Indianapolis Hispanic Center. When I arrived, the same chart of the Presence was right at the entrance. I thought it must be a common or trendy chart. In the ten years I lived in Indianapolis, I had never seen this chart – only on my recent trip to Venezuela. I didn’t realize how cosmic this was!

The presenters asked for someone to translate and I came up. I remember that they explained the chart and, when they mentioned the “causal body or body of cause,” I immediately knew this was what I was looking for!

A local Keeper of the Indianapolis Study Group nurtured my interest. In 1994 I found out that there was a Summer Conference. I made plans to attend but soon after I was laid off my job. I was also about to renew my apartment lease but didn’t. A friend said that I was being cut free to go to Summit University for twelve weeks so I came to the Conference and Summit University. After S.U. I had nothing to go back to since nothing was waiting for me in Indianapolis. So applied for staff. El Morya said “yes.”


It has been the most incredible journey. I am so grateful for this phenomenal adventure full of incredible spiritual experiences, enough of them to write a book. I call the Community “My family” and these Teachings have literally saved my life.



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