Lessons in Spiritual Growth


How I found the teachings… 

by Joyce Carels

After having accommodated for some time to my vehemently anti-spiritual partner, I felt a great need to take up the spiritual path again. As I set that intention, my eye fell on a tiny ad in the local house to house paper. It said, “Lessons in Spiritual Growth” and a phone number. I called immediately, and went to visit the small study group in a lady’s home.


Gift of the Violet Flame

She taught me and four others about the angels, the Elohim, the elementals and about Saint Germain and the violet flame. That is the point when I said to myself, “That’s it. I forgot all about Saint Germain and the violet flame! That is why I’m in so much trouble!”

I started giving the violet flame right away and didn’t stop. I recall even taking time while on break at my work to give violet flame mantras. It felt like I was finally getting back on track.


Twin Flames in Love

Finding the Summit Lighthouse

In the meantime, the lady mentioned a weekend workshop at The Summit Lighthouse. This was the first time I ever heard that name. I said, “I am coming with you, I have to be there!”

It was a weekend at a cloister location. The sealing was very high. When I entered the room, it was full of pictures and books of the ascended masters. I said to myself, “My, I forgot it was so big.” It seemed like the universe had come down to this room that appeared to be all light.

Then, in a split second, I had a life review and I broke down into tears. At that moment, I realized that in my life I forgot about my Self-worth; nobody ever taught me what a precious light I carried with me. I had felt so lost in this world. And now I had come home to what I had been looking for my entire life.


El MoryaLove is the Key

It was a weekend with Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus “Twin Flames in Love,” and the first dictation I heard was from Lady Venus. I recognized El Morya as my saviour and protector, even before I found the teachings in this life, and the first wallet cards I bought were Lady Master Nada and that radiant golden Archangel Michael picture of the I AM Movement.

In two weeks, my whole life changed. I had the courage to step out of that relationship and even though it would take at least eight weeks to find an apartment, I got it within two weeks, and I was sure I received help from above. Later, I found out that apparently I gave a daily rosary to El Morya without knowing it. I had been singing his songs day after day. That was what allowed him to help me.

Now, there I was: A new apartment, a new life, a new opportunity to be the fulness of who I Really AM. I felt free and excited and finally back on track of my life’s purpose. I had given myself to God, and I was determined to make the very best of it!




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