Joyful Anticipation

By: Marcia Beese —

Everyone’s story of how they found the teachings is very dear to them, and mine is no exception. I am grateful to share my precious life-changing memory.

Step back in time to the close of 1972. I remember being in a state of joyful anticipation as I journeyed on my spiritual quest, knowing that soon I would find what I was seeking. I knew that my life would change forever. Would I be ready? The moment arrived in early January 1973. I was living in Minneapolis working in a medical office as a medical technologist.

I received a letter from a close friend of mine, a medical doctor. She and her husband had recently moved outside the city of Minneapolis into the country. At the end of the letter she closed with a P.S. “We are really getting into the teachings of The Summit Lighthouse.” It was like a bolt of lightning hit met. I shot up out of my chair and said “this is what I have been looking for, THIS IS IT!” I had no outer idea what The Summit Lighthouse was. I just knew with absolutely certainty that this was my sought after goal.

I raced to the phone and called her right away and asked her what it was all about. She explained that a patient of hers had sent her a “Pearl of Wisdom” and my friend and her husband knew this was what they were also seeking. I phoned the lady and made arrangements to go to their home. It seemed like an eternity until the anticipated day arrived.

When I arrived I was introduced to the pictures of the Messengers, the Divine Self, and to the newly released Climb the Highest Mountain. I heard my first dictation, El Morya. They taught what it meant to “decree” – Science of the Spoken Word not yet been printed. With the cash that I had brought with me, I bought copy of the Climb the Highest Mountain book autographed by both Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet and a decree book. My new life had begun, and I never looked back. I went to their home each week for lessons and decrees.

A few weeks later when I arrived for the weekly class, they greeted me with serious faces. They explained that Mark Prophet had a stroke; he had passed on, and made his ascension. I was not quite sure what that even meant. The next day the man flew to Colorado Springs to attend the Memorial/Ascension service and to lend support to Mrs. Prophet. This was before we called her “Mother.”

In April I attended my first conference, the Easter class, in Colorado Springs. It was held in celebration of Mark’s ascension. LaTourelle was packed to overflowing. The furniture had been removed from the family bedrooms and offices on the second floor to accommodate those hundreds who attended the retreat. As soon as I arrived at LaTourelle for the conference I felt at home and knew this was where I was meant to be. I joined staff in July 1973. I was given the opportunity to work at The Four Winds Organic Center, a restaurant and health-food store started by Mark in 1972.

I remember hearing the replay of the dictation from Gautama Buddha through Mark from the New Year’s retreat when he passed the torch of Illumination to Elizabeth for the youth of world. When I heard it, I recognized that this was what my soul had felt upon waking up on January 1st shortly before I found the teachings. I knew my soul was in attendance at some level of that dictation and that I was one of the youth who received a dispensation. I was 24 years old at the time.

What a blessing and opportunity it is to be part of our Community of the Holy Spirit. I am grateful!


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