A Word about the Ashram by Mark Prophet
The Ashram of Morya El is one answer to the call of unascended lifestreams who desire to reduce world suffering and serve the cause of World awakening. It carries a message full of hope to brothers small and great on earth.
It opens a door that no man can shut and establishes a shining pathway for souls to reach up beyond the seemingly silent veil into the realm of pure love. Here the care of the one Father is manifest for all of his children, who were created to inherit the blessings of the kingdom
Beyond the confines of race and the conflict of creed, the Ashram parts the veil so that the soul may commune with divinely ordained master teachers who will show her how freedom in the highest and most complete sense of the word can be the lot of everyone.
The sponsoring master of the Ashram, the Ascended Master Morya El, will endeavor to gradually enfold in the mind and heart of each student the tested and proved methods of meditation and the tremendous power of invocation to God when correctly used. Through each student’s God Presence the Masters will assist in bringing him- and through him to the world- the benefits and glory of Light’s radiation from the heavenly gates now ajar.
In the Ashram, we work to rebuild our lives and according the pattern directed to us from our own individualized God Presence and Holy Christ Self. We inwardly pledge to work for a divine renaissance on earth. And we daily rebuild the inner temple according to the pattern we individually receive from God in our meditations on the mount of illumination.
Thus we pray that with our lives and efforts it will be possible to create once again a “new heaven and a new earth”. We look to set an example to guide souls of Light into the permanent golden age, when the Ascended Masters restore their earthly ashrams and once again move freely in the physical octave to bless the embodied children of God with their visible presence.
May the new era come quickly and rest upon our blessed earth and her people forever. And may our humble offering increase the rainbow rays of our Causal Bodies to a magnitude that will assist many to return Home together to the Heart of the Father.

Ashram Ritual 1 – The Unison Ritual
Ashram Ritual 2 – Great Central Sun Ritual, O Cosmic Christ, Thou Light of the World
Ashram Ritual 3 – Sacred Ritual for Attunement with God’s Holy Will
Ashram Ritual 4 – Sacred Ritual for Soul Purification
Ashram Ritual 5 – Sacred Ritual for Transport and Holy Work
Ashram Ritual 6 – Sacred Ritual for Oneness

El Morya’s Description of the Ashram
“The Ashram is ever present. It is a world order. There are many members outside of this Community who are my chelas. They uphold the Ashramic Conciousness; and the antakharana has been building for thirty, forty years and more. For the understanding of the Ashram as the house of light, the dwelling place of the Guru and the chela, gives comfort to all.
It is the comfort flame midst the storm. It is the light in the cabin window that is seen afar off by the traveler through the night storm.
The Ashram is the haven, it is the resting place. It is the special place that, wherever you find it, is the same as every other such place. Surcease from the struggle, entering in for the recharge, brothers, and sisters of one mind and heart and purpose meeting here and there along life’s way in our secluded outposts- such is the vision of the Ashram that I hold and that does exist.”
El Morya, A New Heaven and a New Earth in 1990
Ashram Rituals by El Morya
Ashram Notes by El Morya
The book, Ashram Notes, is a series of letters from El Morya
to his students worldwide. Included are six “Ashram Rituals,”
spoken meditations designed to be given simultaneously to
“link hearts worldwide for the union of consciousness.”