Angels Working Overtime

By Maureen Macchio —

I was attending an AHIMSA Cooking school retreat weekend when I discovered a book in their library with a picture of a Master I thought was Master Koot Hoomi. I cajoled and was able to trade a book I had for that book and picture that magnetized me so deeply. I framed the picture and kept it at my bedside.

I was at a crossroads in my life at that time and found a book on spiritual communities around America. I wrote to 68 places and discarded all but two as the mails came in. I had to choose between Yogananda’s group or the Summit Lighthouse – who had written in their article about the violet flame which I would see when I prayed. I chose the Summit Lighthouse.

I lived in New York City at the time and received a letter saying I was accepted to Summit University in Santa Barbara, so I packed for California and tossed my winter coat down the garbage chute.

A few minutes later I received a letter saying S.U. was moving to Colorado Springs. I laughed. I had read “The Initiate” book and realized I was going to the right place. A mystery school of the Great White Brotherhood.

I came to Colorado Springs with all my belongings packed in my car and came through the door at La Tourelle and was told that my quarter was being sponsored by Saint Germain. Guess who my picture was of that I had kept close to me for so long?

Saint Germain continues to watch over all 77 of us whom he brought to that quarter of Summit University.


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