Dream of Love

Written by: Linda Kalter – 

“Happy Birthday to you,” chimed my family as I basked in their love and looked longingly at the brightly wrapped presents on the table. Unbeknownst to me one of those lovely gifts would plant the seed for my future spiritual journey.

My childish eyes widened as I opened the box containing a beautiful silver grand piano-shaped music box with its deep red velvet interior.

“I love this!”, I proclaimed feeling honored to have received such an adult gift.

“Wind it up and listen,” instructed Aunt Eileen, a church pianist and private piano tutor, who had presented the gift. “Perhaps someday you will be able to play this piece on the piano,” she remarked, knowing that I had recently begun taking piano lessons and hoping to encourage me as a musician.

The beautiful strains of Liebestraum, Franz Liszt’s “Dream of Love”, wafted on the air and I was transfixed, not knowing why. For years it occupied a special place on the nightstand next to my bed and I would periodically listen contentedly to the tinkling melody of love.

Original watercolor by Linda Kalter

Even though I never became the great pianist my aunt envisioned, the music box waited on my nightstand as I grew and eventually attended college, greeting me on weekend and holiday visits home. The treasured possession moved with me when I married but somewhere along life’s many moves, both overseas and around the states, the piano disappeared. (I pray that it landed in the hands of another soul who needed its awakening call.)

Later, as a chela of the Ascended Masters, I learned that Liebestraum, Franz Liszt’s “Dream of Love” was the keynote music of the Ascension Temple at Luxor. What a revelation! The call to the ascension long ago planted in my young girl subconscious had become conscious, awakening the knowledge and desire to strive for the victory of the ascension in this life.

As we ponder our interactions with spiritual seekers new and seasoned, let us remember that it can be the little things we do and say, infused with love, that can be the key to another’s cosmic consciousness. May all our interactions along life’s way be instilled with the “Dream of Love” as this precious music box and perhaps be instrumental in propelling another soul toward God victory.




Ascension Temple – https://www.ascendedmasterencyclopedia.org/w/Ascension_Temple_and_Retreat_at_Luxor

Masters & Their Retreats Podcast



  1. Patricia

    Oh Linda, what a beautiful story! Thank you so much for sharing it and posting the music too. I love your painting too.

  2. Deborah

    Linda, The Mystery of Life that gives us touch points along the way to be unwrapped on our journey is amazing! Thanks for sharing your inspiring experience and insight! Deborah


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