God’s Emissary Leads Me to the Path

By Diana Ruhtenberg —

My name is Diana Ruhtenberg. I serve as Treasurer of The Summit Lighthouse, co-liaison for the Sacred Waters Project, and I also work with some of the managers here on staff. I was born, raised, and educated in the Philippines from a middle income Catholic family in the heart of Manila. As a child, and I’m sure like many of you, I would stare at the stars at night and ask the following questions, who am I? Why am I here? And where am I going? I found a sense of all oneness with the stars as I gazed at them.

I’ve kept this in my heart for several years and have only shared with a few. This is my story: During my early college years, I spent countless hours going through books in the public library and bookstores. None seem to answer these questions. On my way to school, I had to walk two miles to get to the bus stop. Along the way, I would stop by the University of Santo Tomas Catholic Church to say a prayer. The public transportation was either a bus or jeepney to get to the campus.

One morning, I decided not to take that route. I walked outside of the campus which was a longer way to get to the bus stop. I was talking to myself and hopefully God was listening and would give me a response to the numerous questions about life. Then I heard a man’s voice that said, “Nothing to worry about, things will be alright.” I turned around and felt a cloth gently brush my right side and caught a glimpse of his form. I looked around and there was no other person walking the campus wall. It was strange and I went through the day still trying to figure out what happened that morning and prayed to God that if the man’s voice was one of His emissaries, I would like to hear it again and listen to His message.

On my way home on the same day, I heard the same voice. This time He said “Get out of the bus NOW.” I immediately followed without question and asked the driver to stop the bus. I started walking not knowing where I was going. I was at a rotunda (or circular street.) I thought I was going crazy but remembered what I requested earlier, to hear the voice again.

I was led to a three story building with a big sign that said “The Theosophical Society of the Philippines.” I had no idea what it meant, I knocked on the huge door. It opened but I did not see anyone. Then I heard a small voice coming from below. Much to my surprise, a midget opened the door wide open with a huge smile on his face. He said, “May I help you?” I said, “Well, I am looking for something and someone told me that I can find it here. What is the meaning of the sign on the building?” He did not respond to my question but he smiled again and let me in.

As I entered this high ceilinged room, I saw bookshelves on the main floor with the top shelf only up to my waistline. Books and more books…I was thrilled. He said “Go ahead and see if the book you are looking for is there. They are not for sale are for members only and I am the librarian.” I was hesitant since I am not a member but he assured me that I can stay until they close that evening.

It was after 5 p.m. I knew I had a few hours to find it. I went around the shelves and said a prayer to lead me to the right book. I stopped on one of the two level stack shelves. I decided to sit on the floor to look at the books on the shelf. Directly in front of me was the book, The Masters and the Path by C. W. Leadbeater. I pulled it out, opened the inside flap cover and a picture of the Wesak Festival opened up. Something happened at that instant. I knew I was there before, but a different time, different place, different body.

I turned the pages and read a description of Master Morya with his piercing eyes on a horse. I asked myself is this the man whose voice I heard twice today? Joy and peace filled my heart and I did not want to part with the book. The Librarian asked me if I found what I was looking for and I said YES. He gave me another big smile.

I heard the front door open and saw two men enter. They were greeted by the librarian. One of them approached me and said, I had not seen you here before and asked what I was reading. I showed the book to him and he said “I have a much better book than that and you will not find it here.”

I said curiously, “Where is that book?” He said “I have it and I can lend it to you the next time we meet.” This man and his friend waited for me to read the book and escorted me to the bus station. I asked lots of questions along the way and they were both very accommodating.

A few days later, we all met and he handed me The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. As I held the book, it felt the same as when I held the Masters and the Path. I opened it and the Cosmic Clock page was in front of me. Then I knew he was right – it was a better book.




Picture attribution – Theosophical Society of the Philippines — https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:TE_Philippines_ts1.jpg


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