Finding the Ascension Path


Written by Jenaro V. B. from Atlanta, GA

I was living in Atlanta, GA at the age of 33 and was very successful financially.

One day while driving I just shouted out loud “What is it all about?”. I had all the money I could want, but was not happy inside. I was missing something!

New Age Council of Light!

I then began a search of the New Age groups, and there were many in Atlanta.

I figured that there must be an easier way to find the truth about what life is all about, than going to all these different meetings, lectures, and fairs.

I decided to form the ‘New Age Council of Light’ so that I could have the honchos of all the different groups meet monthly. I could have them come to me and lecture about the truth they knew.

We started meeting at different free venues monthly. I did the promoting for these meetings through contacts I developed at free newspapers and radio stations. Everything was going as planned. Each month we had a different speaker from a different group, we even had a Yogananda monk be our guest for the evening.

As I delved into metaphysics and the occult, I began to plan a trip to Egypt. I was going to attempt bribing my way into the king’s chamber of the great pyramid. I planned to take a few psychics with me to investigate inside pyramid the paranormal.

Light Contact!

I was always on the lookout for new groups and found TSL Study Group in Atlanta. So, I send an invitation to the group to join our next monthly meeting.

Rev. Paul O’Neal was the head of the group and told me that he was not able to attend but invited me to attend their next public meeting. I attended and was very impressed. He gave me a Pearl of Wisdom (POW), the first one dictated by Lanello, and a flyer for the Freedom 1973 Conference. I was ecstatic and made plans to attend the Freedom Conference.

It was held in the mountains of Colorado. I fell in Love with the Teachings! I could feel the high vibrations of the Masters and especially Mighty Cosmos! This was a game changer for me since I had heard “channeled dictations” from the “masters” in Atlanta and never felt any high vibration from them.

The next conference was in Atlanta, and because I had all the connections with the media, I was able to get Elizabeth Clare Prophet interviewed on the radio. The Atlanta Journal Constitution, the largest newspaper in Atlanta did a story on her and had her on the front page when during the conference because UFOs were appearing over the hotel where the conference took place. We had a very large attendance.

Following the Light!

Next step for me was selling all my furniture and most of my possessions so that I could load my car with just what I needed to start a new life in California and attend the first quarter of Summit University in Santa Barbara; given by my guru El Morya.

I completed the 3-month intensive training on the First Ray. Then worked on staff awaiting the next quarter of Summit University, which would be on the Second Ray and taught by Lord Lanto.

After completing my second trimester I desired to attend the next trimester on the Third Ray, to be taught by Paul The Venetian. Mother told me that I first had to go out in the world and prove the Teachings that I had received.

Thus I would rent a two-bedroom apartment in downtown Los Angeles near the local TSL Study Group of Los Angeles. I would share that apartment with another KOF for two years while using my Air Force Veteran’s Educational Assistance Program to major in Advertising, Public Relations, and American Government at the Los Angeles Community College.

In my next post, I will explain the unfolding of my new adventure.




1 Comment

  1. Elizabeth

    Nice to meet you Jenaro. I love your journey


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