Life Lessons – Transcending Our Past

Written by: Edward Anderson – 

The goal of life well lived is the ascension. One of the requirements for the ascension is to balance at least 51% of one’s karma and another requirement is to fulfill your divine plan.  In this blog post I will examine those two requirements focusing on how to determine our divine plan and how to balance karma, especially karma created in our previous lives. Each day we receive a portion of our karma to be balanced.  Fortunately, with the dispensation of the violet flame we can transmute descending karma before it crystallizes in the physical octave. Portia has said it is “nearly impossible” to balance 51% of one’s karma without the daily use of the violet flame.  One general rule for balancing karma is to give service to life.  However, you will want to add violet flame to that equation because as Portia says,

“Let it be understood that karma is transmuted by violet flame invocation and [the balancing of karma] is accelerated by [daily] service [to life]. Service without violet flame, beloved, may avail much but not enough [and vice versa].” [1]

Ray-O-Light has told us, “And the majority among you will not be allowed to take your ascension until you have fulfilled your divine plan in Aquarius, and the fulfillment of the divine plan is a necessary requirement of your ascension.” [2]

Ideally, we want to align our service to life with our dharma and our divine plan. In that way we can balance our karma while fulfilling what we need to accomplish in this life.  If you don’t accomplish all that you set forth to do in this life, then the Maha Chohan tells us that “the last day of your life will be one of the saddest days in your entire history.” [3]  The Ascended Master Encyclopedia site lists other requirements for the ascension but in this blog, I will only focus on balancing karma and fulfilling our divine plan.

How Do We Determine What our Divine Plan Is?

What is our divine plan?  My personal definition of my divine plan is – what I should be doing at any moment to make the most spiritual progress.  The divine plan is constantly adjusted according to what we do.  Here is how Saint Germain puts it,

According to the choices you make daily, your divine plan is adjusted, and, in the blueprint of your soul’s evolution, adjustments are made for the balance of cycles.

Thus, the equation of living on Terra can be stated: The law plus you, plus karma and dharma equals the divine plan manifest as circumstance in time and space. This equation is balanced by the handmaid of Freedom whose name is Opportunity. [4]

The following is some advice Serapis Bey has given us for determining our divine plan.

And if you make invocations to the crystal fire mist of the white light, together with the emerald rays from the heart of Cyclopea, you will find that day by day definitions of worthy goals and means of reaching those goals will be released to you. And then you will be aware of the assignment that is yours to fulfill as a part of your divine plan in this lifetime. [5]

What can we do to determine our dharma and divine plan besides making calls?  I think that what we are passionate about is often what we should be doing but as always, call for discrimination and attunement.

Karma From Previous Lives

I am amazed at how the Lords of Karma can balance so many karmic strands when determining who our parents will be and who our brothers and sisters will be.   As our life progresses, we find we have karma with our neighbors and co-workers.  I don’t jump to conclusions about karmic ties, but I do look for opportunities to balance any karma I may have with people I meet.  If we don’t remember our previous lives, then how do we know what is karmic and what isn’t? I have found that when I overreact to a situation it is often a karmic issue.

To understand how karma made in one life can be balanced by actions in our current life, it is good to study the examples we have in books about karma and reincarnation.  One example is found in the book Dweller on Two Planets, where karma made in Atlantis thousands of years ago was finally balanced in 19th century America.  A recurring theme of that book is that we today are Atlanteans come again.

Slaves and the Egyptian Pharaoh


In the book, 9 Cats 9 Lives, the first life reading for Lindbergh is the life of the pharaoh that enslaved the Israelites in Egypt and denied Moses’ request to let his people go. Scholars are not in agreement who this pharaoh was but when Mark Prophet saw the mummy of Merpentan he believed he was seeing the same face that Moses saw. [6]  These same events are in the book of Exodus in the Bible. The judgement of the Lord turned the waters to blood and brought pestilence, affliction, and the death of the firstborn on the houses of the Egyptians.    One characteristic of the pharaoh was the hardening of his heart against God commandments through Moses. This is an important part of the story because God hardened Pharaoh’s heart several times and Pharaoh hardened his own heart several times.  Lord Ling points out that the hardening of Pharoah’s heart was the result of accelerated descent of his own karma. [7] What hardness of heart can cause is the inability to commune with your Holy Christ Self.

Thérèse of Lisieux says, “We as ascended masters knock but you do not always answer, for you have another agenda or your hardness of heart does not allow you to open the gates of that inner secret chamber of the heart where you might commune with your Holy Christ Self.” [8]

Mummy of Merneptah

Merneptah was later embodied as Abraham Lincoln who, as we know, freed the slaves in America, possibly balancing karma he made as pharaoh.  When you study this life, you find that balancing his karma didn’t come easy.  In the books about Lincoln that I have read it appears that Lincoln had achieved a softening of his heart.  Lincoln loved cats and even rescued three motherless kittens when visiting General Grant during the Civil War.  You don’t rescue kittens unless you have a soft heart.  The book, “Abraham Lincoln the Practical Mystic” by Francis Grierson, has statements by people who knew Lincoln and worked with him giving us a good understanding of Lincoln’s character.  He seems willing to receive divine guidance which shows, I believe, that he had learned to soften his heart.

When a delegation of ministers from Chicago came to him, urging him in God’s name to free the slaves without further delay, he replied that when the Almighty wanted him to free the slaves, He would deal directly with Lincoln himself instead of indirectly through Chicago. [9]

When Lincoln was told that people were saying he was ruled by Seward he replied,

“The only ruler is my conscience—following God in it—and these men will have to learn that yet”. [10]

The opportunity to balance the karma he made as pharaoh when he forced the Hebrews to make bricks without straw, came when slavery was an established institution in America.  Lincoln had to become president to have the power to free the slaves. I think we often have an inner sense of what we need to accomplish in life. There are several incidents in the life of Abraham Lincoln that illustrate this. When Lincoln was young and visiting New Orleans as a flat boatman, he saw men and women being sold at an auction in the public mart.  He said,

“If ever I get a chance to hit that thing, I’ll hit it hard.” [11]


When Lincoln was only 23 years old and relatively unknown, he attended a camp-meeting in Salem Illinois with some associates.  Dr. Peters Akers, one of the greatest Methodist preachers of the time, was giving a sermon that lasted three hours.  It was reported that he said,

“I am not a prophet, but a student of prophets; Slavery will come to an end in some near decade.  I think in the sixties. Who can tell but the man that shall lead us through this strife may be standing in this presence.”

Not more than thirty feet away stood Abraham Lincoln.  Asked later what he thought of the sermon, Lincoln replied that the preacher’s words were “…

from beyond the speaker.  Peter Akers has convinced me that slavery will go down with the crash of civil war. … when the preacher was describing the civil war, I distinctly saw myself, as in second sight, bearing an important part in that strife.” [12]

Karmic Connections

Lincoln and Mary Todd had four children.  Edward died at the age of four from typhoid, William died at the age of 11 while Lincoln was in the White House, and the other two outlived their father.  Losing children is always difficult and may have been why Lincoln battled depression his whole life.  The same soul that embodied as the pharaoh’s son who died in the 10th plague, also embodied as Lincoln’s first born who died at a young age.  And it was this same soul that was born to Lindbergh that was kidnapped and murdered. The soul that embodied as the firstborn in each of these three cases died at an early age because the Law required it to work out this particular karma. [13]

Lincoln’s first love was Ann Rutledge who died when he was planning to marry her.  He bought a picture he found that looked like Ann and kept it for many years even though it upset his second wife Mary Todd.  Ann Rutledge embodied again as Anne Morrow who said it was love at first sight when she saw Charles Lindbergh for the first time.  Lindbergh found he couldn’t stop thinking about Anne and after two dates they were married.  Morrow accompanied him as navigator on many of the flights he made scouting out new routes for commercial airlines.  We don’t know for sure, but Anne Morrow may have been Lindbergh’s twin flame.

Lindbergh Marries Anne Morrow

Lincoln and Lindbergh both commanded respect and admiration.  Ludovic Kennedy, in a book about Lindbergh, says:

“Lindbergh had already demonstrated to the world his skill as an airman. Now he was showing another, quite unexpected quality: that when he spoke, people listened; that he had an outstanding natural authority.”[14]   

Don Piatt, a contemporary of Lincoln who knew him well said,

“With all his awkwardness of manner and utter disregard of social conventionalities that seemed to invite familiarity, there was something about Abraham Lincoln that enforced respect. No man presumed on the apparent invitation to be other than respectful.”[15]

Balancing Karma

Balancing karma often means taking the more difficult way.  It means learning which promptings are from your Holy Christ Self and which ones aren’t. Portia tells us there is a scale that measures the days allotment of karma that was balanced and what was not.  She says that we can call to her angels of Cosmic Justice at the end of the day and her angel, together with our Holy Christ Self

“will show you those scales [so you can see for yourself whether they are balanced, and if not, just how far out of balance they are].”[16]

Finally, having found the teachings, we have an opportunity to balance karma by sharing the teachings with others.

As Sanat Kumara has told us,

“Karma, then, must not be forgotten by you. Take every opportunity to teach the Teachings to another soul, to give some gift of self, some element of comfort or supply or food or care or spiritual nurturing. “ [17]

At the time of this posting, it is the start of the year 2024 and I think it is wise to take to heart what Kuthumi said near the beginning of 1976,

As you set your goals for the year 1976, will you put at the top of the list “the ascension”? And will you see that all other goals which you pursue lead you directly to that goal? Will you test all projects and pursuits to see whether they are worthy of your energy in time and space? Establish priorities and let all priorities serve the great priority of life, the return of your soul to the house of the immortal Spirit, the I AM THAT I AM. [18]

What are your goals for 2024?  If you have any thoughts about the outworking of karma in the lives described above, then please put them in the comments.




[1] Pow Vol. 32 No. 56, Portia.  Vol. 32 No. 56 – Beloved Portia – November 12, 1989 (

[2] Pow Vol. 25 No. 29a, Ray-O-Light Vol. 32 No. 48 – Beloved Gautama Buddha – November 4, 1989 (

[3] Pow Vol. 37 No. 28, Maha Chohan.  Vol. 37 No. 28 – The Beloved Maha Chohan – July 10, 1994 (

[4] Pow Vol. 18 No. 32 – Saint GermainVol. 18 No. 32 – Saint Germain – August 10, 1975 (

[5] Pow Vol. 58 No. 18, Serapis Bey. Vol. 58 No. 18 – Beloved Serapis Bey – September 15, 2015 (

[6] Mark L. Prophet, December 14, 1969.

[7] Pow Vol. 24 No. 4,  Vol. 24 No. 4 – Beloved Lord Ling – January 25, 1981 (

[8] Pow Vol. 45 No. 1, Vol. 45 No. 1 – Beloved Thérèse of Lisieux – January 6, 2002 (

[9] Abraham Lincoln: the Practical Mystic by Francis Grierson p. 54.

[10] Ibid. p. 52.

[11] Ibid. p. 19

[12] Abraham Lincoln: the Practical Mystic by Francis Grierson p. 71.

[13] Mark L. Prophet December 31, 1972.

[14] Ludovic Kennedy, The Airman and the Carpenter: The Lindbergh Kidnapping and the Framing of Richard Hauptmann p. 28

[15] Abraham Lincoln: the Practical Mystic by Francis Grierson p. 69.

[16] Pow Vol. 32 No. 56, Portia.  Vol. 32 No. 56 – Beloved Portia – November 12, 1989 (

[17] Pow Vol. 37 No. 10, Sanat Kumara.  Vol. 37 No. 10 – Sanat Kumara You Must Resolve the Issues of Your Karma

[18] Pow Vol. 19 No. 3 Kuthumi.  Vol. 19 No. 3 – Kuthumi and the Brothers of the Golden Robe – January 18, 1976 (



  1. Jenaro

    Have the Masters answered these questions?
    Was John F. Kennedy a re-embodiment of Lincoln?
    Or is Donald Trump, a re-embodiment of Lincoln?

    • Edward

      Hi Jenaro,

      I haven’t heard anything from the masters about those two cases.
      Online a lot of people have compared King Cyrus in the Bible to Trump. King Cyrus who was a pagan, helped the Jews and Trump who wasn’t particularly religious before becoming president moved the US embasy to Jerusalem. I learned a little more Bible history looking into this, but I don’t think Trump is the same soul as Cyrus.

  2. Anne Elizabeth

    I liked the comment you made about Anne Morrow when she met Lindbergh. I have read Lindbergh’s book which was fascinating.

  3. Elizabeth


    I loved learning about Lincoln’s past lives. Lincoln was a president I always felt, tried to do the right thing.

  4. Kathleen Wilkins

    I especially liked the story about Lincoln in 9 cats and 9 lives, and found an interesting book that compares the lives of Lincoln and Lindbergh called The Reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln.

    • Edward

      Kathleen: I found that book you mention after I finished the blog. I do plan to buy it because I am interested in what talents and habits carry over from a previous life.


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