Love Letter to Venus

Written by: Anne Hall-Bowden –

Dearest Venus,

I still hold fast in my heart, the memory of that still, warm, autumn evening as a young child, I stood with my mother on the back veranda of our farmhouse and she tenderly pointed to you and softly said that is Venus, the evening star.”   

Ah, Venus, you were a resplendent jewel in the celestial tapestry, appearing above the dusky tops of the distant, hazy blue hills.  How you beckoned to me with your radiant allure! As we cast our gaze up into the heavens, there you stood, the embodiment of grace and beauty. Venus, the planet that encapsulates the essence of love and harmony, radiating your ethereal light, whispering to our souls the secrets in our hearts.

Bathed in a soft, golden glow, Venus, you dance through the heavens, a celestial dancer, choreographing a ballet of cosmic elegance. Your presence evokes a sense of serenity, an invitation to bask in the warmth of your embrace. Just as the rose emits its delicate fragrance, Venus envelops us in an aura of tenderness and compassion.

The very name ‘Venus’ resonates with notions of love and compassion, a reminder that the universe is woven together with threads of connection and affection. You are a planet that mirrors the finest qualities of humanity, urging us to embrace empathy, to cherish our relationships, and to let the radiance of our hearts illuminate the world around us.

Venus, the evening and morning star, a celestial guardian of the night, you invite us to reflect upon the mysteries of the universe and the wonders of existence. Your presence in the sky is a reminder that love, like the cosmos, knows no bounds, transcending time and space to touch our very souls.

Dear Venus, celestial muse of poets and dreamers, you guide us along the path of understanding and compassion. Your light is a beacon that leads us towards the realization that, amidst the vast expanse of the cosmos, it is love that truly makes us whole. May we, like Venus, shine our light upon the world and nurture the bonds that connect us all.

My Venus, I love you dearly and look forward to the day when I finally come home to you. Until that time, I will still greet you each morning, and will faithfully find you every evening and bid you goodnight my love.

With all my love,



Explore the Ascended Masters Teachings on the planet Venus:






  1. Maria Inês Raposo

    Dear Anne how lovely of you the idea to write a letter to what is more than a beautiful planet, which is a Home. The memory of being with your mother contempling the sky and Venus is so sweet!… well I too respond to your love for Venus as it extends throughout the universe; and I must salute the Beloved Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus, and the 144 000! Art, beauty, harmony, love, life! Grateful for your gesture and the feeling that took you to that. I’m sure you bear Venus’ essence in your soul, spirit and heart; your eyes must shine in the tones of love and spread fragances of tenderness. Hail Venus!

    • Anne Elizabeth

      Thank you Maria, wonderful to hear from you. Do stay in touch.
      With love, Anne

  2. Mariana Gonzalez

    Thank you, Anne for this beautiful post!

    When I was a little child, my father showed me Venus, and I remember that since that moment, I (unknowingly) started searching for the evening/morning star.

    And I feel relieved that every day when I look up to the sky, Venus is always there.

    Thank you for inspiring us with your heartly words!

    Love & blessings.

  3. Anne Elizabeth

    Totally agree Mariana,
    It is like having that constancy and comfort of seeing Venus there and that heart connection.
    with love from tomorrowland (Australia)


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