A Star of Harmony

Shared by Rose Gadigian —

On a clear night where we look into the heavens, we are in awe with the star studded canopy of stars above us.  Mary Lou Marjerus, is one of those stars who for 80 plus years shared her light with us here on earth before reunited with her Father/Mother God through the ritual of the ascension.

The Elohim of the fifth ray, Beloved Cyclopea, announced Mary Lou’s ascension in 1988 in a dictation delivered through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet.  He said:

Thus, take note, beloved.  A star of harmony has risen this day from your midst from the Grand Teton, and the Law is satisfied already that in 1988 one daughter of God has taken her ascension and therefore sealed the quota of one each year; and therefore earth does receive that cosmic spin.  And I AM Elohim, here to see to it that each one of you shall also win.

Claim the Mantle of Ascended Master Mary Lou Majerus

At the conclusion of this announcement, the Mrs. Prophet delivered the following spiritual teaching to those in attendance:

It is customary when one ascends to claim the mantle of the ascended one in God’s name in the tradition of Elijah and Elisha when Elisha claimed the mantle of his Guru Elijah who had told him, ‘If you see me when I am taken up, you will receive that double portion of my Spirit.’ (Bible, II Kings 9, 10)

Then everyone claimed the mantle of the Ascended Lady Master Mary Lou by saying in God’s name, “I claim a double portion of the mantle of the Ascended Lady Master Mary Lou in God’s name!”

Servant Leader of Freedom   

A true servant leader of freedom, Mary Lou served the cause of freedom by giving violet flame decrees for America and her leaders. The violet flame is a spiritual fire that transmutes negatives states of consciousness such as hatred, fear, anger, and anti-freedom so that the virtues of one’s Higher Self, the Real Leader may be expressed.

Mary Lou came to America from France and taught French for a number of years until she met and joined the Messengers of the I AM Activity, Guy and Edna Ballard, now the Ascended Master Godfre and Lady Master Lotus. Here is an excerpt from The Summit Lighthouse Encyclopedia article:

Now, let me tell you, you wanted to know how I came to know Godfre, how a little girl from Europe can all of a sudden be friendly with a Master. Well, I tell you, it was this way. I arrived in America shortly after the end of the war, debarked in New York. My destiny was Chicago because little girls like me needed a sponsor to be safe in this country, so I was under a sponsor in Chicago.

After many ups and downs I had really loved America, and after more than a week I was ready to stay here forever, I said. After Europe and the experiences in the war, I was very happy to find such a peaceful place, and I said right away, “I am going to stay here.” But staying here and making a living are two different things, and I had never been educated to make a living. But I had followed education and had had several diplomas, but that was not enough to make a living here in America. So I had to devise a way.

And one day I had the courage to enter the Chicago Tribune and ask for the advertising. And I put an ad in the paper and I said, “French lessons, cheap.” That was only one line. But it had also one result, one letter, but the letter was from one of the society leaders in Chicago. So I had an interview with her. She liked me. She liked my nerve, I guess, and she liked my different clothes and the little flair of Paris still left in me. So she arranged for some lessons.

And after we had arranged that she said, “That’s not enough, one dollar for a lesson. I am going to arrange it that you can have three or four of my friends, and I make a little tea party every time when you come and then that makes it worthwhile.” So she took me under her wing. And I said, “fine,” that winter with the society people of Chicago.

But after spring came they all went away and I was left almost without any students, so I had to find out another way. They offered me to be dame de compagnie, doing nothing, living with them, talking French. That didn’t suit me. I refused several of those offers and I said, “No, that isn’t what I want.”

So they said to me, “Stick to this lady. She will help you.” So I had a lesson with her every day, and one morning she said to me, “Since you don’t want an easy life, you go with me today and we find a place.” So we set out and she took me in a street where I had never been. It was Brentano’s bookstore. We entered in, she asked for the manager and she said, “Would you have a position for this girl?” The manager looked me over and she said, “Yes, we have been looking for somebody for six months.”

Well, it was just six months that I had arrived in Chicago. So I was hired and I started to rebuild the French library. And I was there many years and I liked it. I liked my work and I liked the people that I met and we were very successful. The business grew.

And one day a little boy in the stockroom had a pile of books with various titles like “occult,” “esoteric.” He thought they were French words. So he took the books, he took the pile of books and brought them in my department. And I had my time finding out they belonged in the philosophical department. So I got to know the manager of the philosophical department, a lady. We got acquainted. Her name was Ella Wheeler Wilcox. And by and by I found out that she had a sister that visited her every so often. The sister was Edna Wheeler, later on, Mrs. Ballard, and I made her acquaintance. She liked me and one day she asked me would I come to her reading club.

The reading club was a little tea party or a little get-together every week to read esoteric and occult novels. So we read Spalding’s The Masters of the Far East, like most of you have read already too, and we discussed them. That continued for a while. There were about four or five retired people. I was the youngest of the lot but I was welcome.

Then after a couple of years, the reading group was continued, and one day during the Christmas season when I was absent, Godfre, Godfre Ballard came home. He was Edna Ballard’s husband, who had been absent, and he had lived in California….


Friends of Mary Lou at Camelot, headquarters for The Summit Lighthouse in Malibu, California, recall how she shared her gentle wisdom of the path of the servant leader when they visited her in her room or had tea with her in the cafeteria.  These are some her insights that she shared with them:

  • *  You have your foot in the door of the doorway to heaven.  Don’t take it back.  Step forward boldly like the Master and like our blessed Messenger.  How happy I am to be here, I can never tell!

  • It is important to keep your body healthy so that you can bear the burden of the Lord in it if you are asked….I must stay here until I have suffered enough, loved enough, served enough and been kind enough….There is a time, a date, a place–when you come, it is fixed for you to return.  You have to bring what you have accumulated, good or bad.  Here you have a chance to consume the evil and come clean….

  • Your Presence is the greatest blessing you can have.  The Presence has taken care all along.  The Presence first.  Your Presence is more powerful than any Ascended Master, for your Presence can do anything for you within the Law and the Ascended Master must first seek permission.

  • Mighty I AM Presence, stay with me, surround me and guide me and all others who wish to reach the goal as I do.


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