My Search for the True Light


Many years ago I entered St. Francis School of Nursing in Peoria, Illinois. The picture you see is a newspaper article of myself lighting a candle as the representative of the first year nursing students along with second and third year students. All nursing students were required to participate in giving the rosary daily before breakfast. My prior worship practices were in Protestant churches. Giving the rosary, brought to an ancient memory of an “Inner Knowing” of the True Light, yes, “The Mother Light.”

I later was married and attended Mass on a regular basis. Unfortunately my marriage ended in a divorce, but I continued to attend Mass for several years. However, in the middle 60’s it became clear to me the experience when attending Mass was not the same anymore.

After several years of tough times, I moved to Chicago in 1970. In 1973 shortly after Mark Prophet’s ascension in February, my life began to change for the better leading to my moving to the Bay Area in California in 1975. After arriving in San Francisco, I began my search for “The True Light” by attending for very brief periods, many different religious practices including the Baha’i Temple, Science of Mind, and a Lutheran Church. None were what I was looking for.

Finally one day in early 1977, after an apple juice fast, kneeling in my living room floor, I fervently said “God You Have to Find the Right Church for Me.” This fervent prayer was immediately followed by a shower of light from above that enveloped my soul.

Later, in 1977, I entered the San Francisco Teaching Center where, as the door opened, I saw El Morya’s picture on the wall. I knew then, I was home.

Shortly after this, I attended my first Sunday Worship Service at the Church Universal and Triumphant in downtown San Francisco. As I opened the Sacred Ritual Booklet I could feel the light pouring out from the booklet into my soul. This worship service concluded with a dictation from Saint Johannes, Pope John the 23rd, who announced the Office of The Vicar of Christ was given to our Beloved Messenger as well as the founding of The Church Universal and Triumphant. During this dictation, tears of joy flowed like a waterfall from my eyes along with an overwhelming sense of relief and gratitude. I had found the answers to what my soul had been searching for, yes many years of searching for “The True Light.”

God gave me the Greatest Gift and opportunity that anyone could have, the gift of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. Yes, this treasured opportunity to study and internalize the ascended master teachings, led to my serving on staff at Camelot until the move to Montana, continued spiritual growth and inspiration, to experience the many beautiful souls in our community, along with opportunity for continued service in the Chicago Community Teaching Center. My service for many years, has been my greatest joy, working with outreach, to find those souls who are looking for “The True Light.”

Currently I practice as a Family Nurse Practitioner in the Chicagoland area. This professional opportunity is a gift given to me, as I maintain my “spiritual connection” to my “Heavenly Helpers,” the Ascended Masters. I AM who and what I AM today from support from the ascended masters along with our continued wonderful spiritual leadership, and loving souls also serving in my local and worldwide communities.

I know there are many others “out there,” searching for the same Mother Light, and to find their spiritual brothers and sisters. My prayers and hopes are that opportunity will afford each of us, in many different ways and paths, the ability to continue fervently our individual and collective pathway back to God’s Heart, so that others will find “The True Light that Lighteth Every Man’s Heart.”


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