Shroud of Turin

New Study Claims Shroud of Turin Does Date to Time of Jesus


Written by Edward Anderson

I have always been interested in the connection between science and spirit, so I get excited when I find instances where the masters give us additional information about a spiritual process like the resurrection. I was listening to a dictation by Cosmos that is available on Ascended Master Library and Cosmos was talking about people who can’t think of the body of Jesus in the resurrected or ascended state. Cosmos said,

“They do not realize what it means to activate the points of light within the center of each cell of their being.  They do not realize the part the two secret rays play in the activation of both the resurrection and the ascension.” (Cosmos, 1963).

This reminded me of the Shroud of Turin that seems to have been created by some sort of light emitted from Jesus’ body while he was in the tomb.

What is the Shroud of Turin?

The Shroud of Turin is the burial shroud that Joseph of Arimathea used to wrap the body of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion (Matthew 27:59). An image of Jesus’ body, front and back, was miraculously imprinted on the cloth.  Despite the image showing the markings of a man crucified, complete with a crown of thorns, and even though there is no paint on the cloth or any explanation for how the image was imprinted on the cloth, the Catholic Church has never officially endorsed the shroud as authentic.

After the crucifixion the Shroud made its way to Constantinople. Some scholars suggest that the Knights Templar took the Shroud from Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade in 1204, keeping it secret and then passing it on to the Charny family who publicly displayed it in 1360. In 1453 it was at Chambéry in Savoy, and there in 1532 it narrowly escaped being consumed by a fire which charred the corners of the folds. Since 1578 it has remained at Turin where it is now only exposed for veneration at long intervals.


What do the Masters Say About the Shroud?

In a dictation delivered on April 11, 1982, Jesus said,

“And let it be known that this image of myself which I have released through the artist Charles Sindelar is indeed the very same image that you will find on the Shroud of Turin, and it is unmistakable.” (Jesus, n.d.)

Below is the negative image of Jesus face from the shroud, alongside the painting of Jesus done by Charles Sindelar.

Radiation Theory

The radiation theory can explain several of the characteristics of the image on the cloth. The following is from “The Mysteries of the Shroud of Turin” by Robert Rucker.

“It is hypothesized the images were formed by an extremely brief, intense burst of vertically collimated low-energy radiation (primarily charged particles) that transported energy and information from the body to the cloth. This energy and information were required to form the images. Radiation from the body can explain why the images are on the inside of the wrapped configuration, why the images are negative images, why there is 3D information in the images, why bones (teeth, hands, etc.) in the body can apparently be seen in the images, why threads that are discolored produced a shadow in the discoloration on the fibers below them, and so on.” (Rucker)

Maitreya’s Comments on the Shroud

The physicist James Clerk Maxwell described light as a propagating wave of electric and magnetic fields, so I find it interesting that Maitreya, in a dictation where he mentions the shroud and is discussing how the teachings are passed from the teacher to the pupil, explains this process in terms of fields and currents.

“Thus, you see, the Word has a way of communicating itself to you despite the discrepancy between the teacher and the pupil. This is a miracle on the face of it, when you come to think of it. It is a result of interpenetration of magnetic fields and electromagnetic currents. It is a meshing of teacher and pupil.” Maitreya, April 19, 1981  (Maitreya, n.d.)

In the same dictation, Maitreya speaks of the inability of scientists to accept the Shroud of Turin as authentic.

“There are some who will never be convinced that the Shroud of Turin is the image of the Lord Christ!  These so-called scientists are filled with doubt. They are like water bags of doubt. When punctured, it would all come out and they would be no more. For their total identity is doubt, more doubt, and self-doubt!  And then they make their pronouncements of doubt as though they were the empirical method of science itself.”  Maitreya, April 19, 1981

Study Claims Shroud Does Date to Time of Jesus

The shroud has been examined and dated multiple times.  One study found that pollen in the shroud threads came from plants known to grow exclusively in Palestine and Turkey. (Bryant) In 1988 radiocarbon dating was performed which indicated that the shroud was made between 1260 and 1390 CE.

However, radiocarbon dating is not very accurate and could have been compromised by fire damage. Another study of the shroud using an X-ray dating technique concluded that the shroud was much older than the radio-dating done in 1988. (Pentiin, n.d.)  A paper describing the study of structural degradation by means of Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS) was published in 2022. (Caro, n.d.).  In August 2024, Newsweek published an article about this new dating technique titled “Turin Shroud Study Claims Controversial Cloth Does Date to Time of Jesus”. (Georgiou, 2024)




Bryant, V. M. (n.d.). Does Pollen Prove the Shroud Authentic? Retrieved from Biblical Archaeology Society Library:

Caro, L. D. (n.d.). X-ray Dating of a Turin Shroud’s Linen Sample. Retrieved from Heritage:

Copyright © The Summit Lighthouse, I. A. (n.d.).

Cosmos. (1963, December 29). Dictation by Cosmos. Retrieved from Ascended Master Library:

Georgiou, A. (2024, August 21). Turin Shroud Study Claims Controversial Cloth Does Date to Time of Jesus. Retrieved from Newsweek:

Georgoudis, D. (n.d.). Shroud of Turin. Retrieved from Wikipedia:

Jesus. (n.d.). Pow Vol. 25 No. 27 – Jesus Christ. Retrieved from Pearls of Wisdom:

Maitreya. (n.d.). Pow Vol. 24 No. 26 – Lord Maitreya. Retrieved from Pearls of Wisdom:

Pentiin, E. (n.d.). New Scientific Technique Dates Shroud of Turin to Around the Time of Christ’s Death and Resurrection. Retrieved from National Catholic Register:

Rucker, R. (n.d.). Mysteries of the Shroud of Turin. Retrieved from



  1. Concepcion

    Hi Edward,

    I loved reading your article on the Shroud of Turin. I look forward to more of your fascinating articles, especially about Jesus!

    Blessings, Concepcion

    • Edward

      I’m glad you liked it. Since I wrote that article I have found more times the masters have made comments about science and spirit. Maybe I can write another article.


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