Treasure Map App

Treasure Map App

Visualize the life you aspire to by creating a moving
treasure map with words and photos of your choice.

*** Now available for iPhone and Android Phones  (English) ***

*** Ahora disponible para teléfonos iPhone y Android:
¡nuestra nueva aplicación Treasure Maps
(disponible en inglés y español)! ***



First choose the life categories you would like to focus on:

  • Health
  • Goals
  • Relationships
  • Abundance
  • Devotion
  • Saints and Sages
  • Joy
  • Nature

For each category, select the pictures that speak to you.
Next, include an inspiring description of what you would like to have in your life.


The Treasure Maps App is designed for both iPhones /iPads and Android Phones / tablets. It is available in English and Español.

You can find the iPhone version on the App Store and the Android version on the Google Play Store.

 Treasure Maps App for iPhones and iPad

Once iPhone users click on the App Store icon on their cell phone, they can tap the search 🔍 icon at the bottom right of the screen and proceed with the steps below:

  • Type into the script box at the top of your screen the words: treasure maps app
  • Select this name when it populates in your search screen 
  • Next, tap the word GET
  • Click the word OPEN

VOILA – you have the app on your phone!  

 Treasure Maps App for Android Phones and Tablet

Android phone users:  just click on the Google Play icon on their cell phone, tap the search 🔍 icon, and proceed with the steps below:

  • Type into the script box the words: treasure maps app
  • Select the treasure maps app when it appears in the search results
  • Next, tap the word INSTALL

VOILA – you have the app on your phone!